Dangerous Truck Accident Causing Trends
The United States like many other companies is reliant on the millions of semi-trucks that haul goods back and forth across the country like red blood cells carrying oxygen across the body. Like all forms of infrastructure, there are things that can go wrong when certain parties are negligent resulting in the death and injury of people. Certain trends in the trucking industry create an elevated risk of accidents that can occur and injure drivers.
Semi-Truck Accident Claim
Those that have been injured by semi-truck drivers as a result of dangerous trucking trends may be able to recover compensation for damages with a semi-truck accident claim. When a liable party such as a trucking company is negligent and causes an accident that injures someone, they can be the target of a semi-truck accident claim. A plaintiff in one of these claims must prove that the liable party is negligent and that they suffered injuries as a result of the accident that liable party’s negligence caused.
When filing a semi-truck accident a plaintiff will have to contend with a number of preparations and have to navigate the complexities of the legal process all while recuperating from their injuries and dealing with a number of damages. Hiring an attorney specializing in truck accidents will make the process of seeking compensation after a semi-truck accident not only more convenient but can also increase the size of a settlement you may receive. An experienced semi-truck accident attorney will help you determine who is liable for your injuries, handle negotiations, and guide you through the legal process. If you or a loved one have been injured in a semi-truck accident then call 727-451-6900 to schedule a free consultation.
Semi-Truck Driver Distraction
Regardless of the type of vehicle, driver distraction is a serious problem that plagues the streets. Hundreds of thousands of people every year end up in accidents because of driver distraction and the figures are only showing an increase in this dangerous behavior. Driver distraction is currently one of the top contributing factors towards semi-truck accidents let alone motor vehicle accidents in general.
Driver distraction encompasses a large number of behaviors that decrease the level of attention that a driver pays to the road. Of all of these behaviors, there are none that have led to quite as many semi-truck accidents as smartphone use. Texting and driving is generally known to be one of the most dangerous behaviors while driving but there is a growing trend of smartphone use in general growing with new distractions offered by these devices. Texting, browsing the internet, changing music, looking up maps, and of course, social media are very distracting applications on smartphones that cause semi-truck driver’s to decrease their attention on the road and increase the risk of a semi-truck accident occurring.
Truck Driver Fatigue
Truck drivers have to drive incredible distances over long periods of time. Sitting behind the wheel in the same position for the majority of the day has an effect on these truck drivers and many experience severe fatigue that puts them at risk to make mistakes and cause semi-truck accidents. Fatigue while driving can sometimes be just as dangerous as driving under the influence. Fatigued or drowsy drivers are at risk of falling asleep behind the wheel, their decision-making skills are impaired, they have decreased motor skills, and their senses are not as keen. Semi-truck drivers are not supposed to drive more than a certain amount of time every day and are required to take rest breaks so that they do not become fatigued. However, strict deadlines and job pressure can lead some truck drivers to feel that they need to drive more than they should which puts them at risk of causing an accident.
Parking Shortages
An increasing number of semi-truck drivers are now facing a shortage in the number of parking spaces available to them when they stop to take mandatory rest breaks. Truckers will typically try to stop at rest areas or truck stops that cater to the size of the vehicle they drive but many can end up full or there may not be one reasonably close. Therefore, truck drivers will sometimes be forced to take a rest break on the side of the road or other places that are not exactly safe for them to park. They could either drive fatigued looking for a place to rest or they can park on the shoulder of the road which can sometimes result in an accident.
Retired Truck Driver Recruitment
There has been a growing shortage of truck drivers available to trucking companies and this has pressured them to seek help wherever they can. In some cases, they hire inexperienced truck drivers that don’t have all the training necessary to ensure safety and in other cases, a trucking company might seek out retired drivers that have experience but not the best health in their later life. Hiring on older drivers can be dangerous at times since they are much more likely to have health conditions that can increase semi-truck accident risk.
Contact a Skilled Truck Accident Attorney in Boca Raton
If you or a loved one have been injured in a truck accident where a truck driver was under the influence then do not hesitate to contact Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA about a free consultation on your potential claim. Our lawyers are more than happy to sit with you and discuss the details of your claim. We can offer insight on your claim and outline some options of how you can take legal action against those responsible for your injuries.
The legal team at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA has extensive experience negotiating, settling, and litigating cases for clients who were in truck accidents. Contact Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA online, or call our office at 727-451-6900 for a free consultation to discuss your case with one of our experienced truck accident attorneys.
Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA
800 North Belcher Road
Clearwater, FL 33756