Seeking Compensation for Slip and Fall Injuries
According to the National Floor Safety Institute, 87 percent of all fractures in people 65 and over result from slips and falls, and they account for over one million hospital visits per year. As you age, your likelihood of falling increases and a fall may result in a hip fracture or other deadly condition. Despite these risks, no one expects to sustain an injury due to an unsafe condition in a retail store or other business.
Sources of Slips and Falls
According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), some of the most common causes of slips and falls in businesses are:
- Highly-polished floors
- Freshly-waxed surfaces
- Transitioning from one surface to another (i.e. carpet to tile)
- Dry products or spills on smooth surfaces
- Wet products or spills on smooth surfaces
- Sloped walkways
- Loose mats
- Loose floorboards or tiles
- Wet, muddy or greasy shoes
- Metal walkways (slick or sloped)
- Uneven walkways (i.e. gravel)
If you have fallen and sustained an injury in a business, such as Target, you should consider whether the injury was your fault. If, on the other hand, you think that the store should have taken precautions to prevent your fall, you may want to file a personal injury case against the business. The Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA helps injured people understand the legal process and determine if they have a valid claim.
Why Choose Our Sarasota Slip-and-Fall Lawyers
If you slip and fall in a business, you should immediately alert an employee of the accident. Next, you should seek medical treatment for your injuries. Waiting to visit the doctor may delay your claim or reduce your final award. Businesses will be supported by their deep-pocketed insurance companies and hiring an experienced personal injury attorney can help reduce this imbalance of power. At the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we understand the nuances of personal injury law, and we have experience successfully recovering compensation for slip and fall victims.
Our Experience With Sarasota Slip-and-Fall Cases
Businesses are required to maintain their premises in a safe condition; otherwise, they may be liable for your slip and fall injury. Examples of unsafe conditions include wet floors, damaged floors, debris in walkways, ripped carpet, and missing floor tiles. There may even be a chemical spill in your path or a careless employee whose negligence contributed to your injuries. At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we understand that slip and fall injuries are painful, both emotionally and physically. While we cannot guarantee a favorable result in your specific case, we can provide an estimation of your damages based on your injuries and expenses, including lost wages, and we promise to do our best to recover the compensation that you deserve.
Each Slip and Fall Case Is Different
Florida law permits individuals injured in a slip and fall at a business to pursue compensation. As the plaintiff, you will be required to establish that you meet the serious injury threshold under the law. To qualify as serious, your injury must result in one of the following:
- permanent injury
- significant and permanent disfigurement or scarring
- significant and permanent loss of one or more bodily functions
Without sufficient medical documentation, the defendant’s insurance carrier likely won’t even make a settlement offer.
Seeking Damages for Slip and Fall Injuries in Florida’s Legal System
Florida law provides injured victims with four years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. You may have even less time depending on where the injury took place. For example, claims against public entities usually must be filed within two years. While most cases are settled prior to litigation, some cases go to trial. That’s why you should seek the advice of an experienced attorney immediately!
Types of Damages in Slip-and-Fall Cases
If you sustained an injury from a slip and fall in a business, you should wait to accept any settlement offer from the insurance company until you have completed your recovery. Don’t let the insurance company trick you into signing paperwork or providing a recorded statement; they want to settle to reduce their litigation expenses. As experienced advocates for injured victims, we can help you recover the following damages:
- Medical expenses
- Lost earnings
- Prescription drug costs
- Transportation to doctor appointments
- Pain and suffering
- Legal fees and costs
- Punitive damages (can be awarded by a jury if the defendant’s insurer fails to make a reasonable offer)
Determining Liability in Slip-and-Fall Claims
Many different insurance policies could apply depending on the circumstances of your accident. Once we are able to review the facts of the case and speak to the store’s insurance carrier, we will have a better idea of the validity of your claim. We also will review your medical treatment and evaluate your injuries to determine if they meet the serious injury threshold.
Types of Injuries
The most common injuries that we have encountered representing slip and fall victims are:
- Paralysis
- Broken bones that may require surgery
- Neck/back pain (including soft tissue injuries)
- Head injuries/brain damage
- Scarring or disfigurement
- Loss of limbs
- Decreased mobility
- Dependency on others for basic care
How Do Defendants Pay Their Fair Share?
Slip and fall injuries can result in lengthy stays in the hospital and/or rehabilitation center. Don’t delay in hiring an attorney to evaluate your claim, as important evidence may be lost or destroyed. As the plaintiff, you will be required to prove that the defendant’s negligence caused your injuries. Our Sarasota attorneys will review your case and help determine if you have a valid claim.
How Do I Pay for My Sarasota Personal Injury Lawyer?
Injuries that result from a slip and fall can be severe, such as a fractured femur, dislocated shoulder, or broken jaw. We understand that these injuries can be life-changing. At the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we offer free consultations to injured victims and their families. Our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that we only collect fees if we successfully secure a settlement or damages award. Contact us at (941) 210-7586, or online, to speak with an experienced attorney today!
Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA
8039 Cooper Creek Blvd
suite 105
University Park, FL 34201-3007
(941) 210-7586