San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer

San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer

Whether you have suffered injuries in a vehicle crash, slip and fall incident, or another type of accident, or if you lost a loved one due to the negligence or careless action of another party, a San Antonio personal injury lawyer at Dolman Law Group can help determine whether you can pursue a personal injury claim to seek compensation for your losses.

The legal team at Dolman Law Group has earned national recognition for the high-quality legal services that our attorneys provide. We have been featured on NBC, Fox, and ABC, and our past success has earned us a reputation in the legal community as zealous advocates and tenacious professionals.

We focus our practice on personal injury law, representing individuals who have sustained injuries in preventable accidents. We have extensive experience negotiating favorable settlements with at-fault parties and their insurance companies, as well as litigating cases to successful trial verdicts. 

Why Hire a San Antonio Injury Lawyer at Dolman Law Group?

Why Hire a San Antonio Injury Lawyer at Dolman Law Group

At Dolman Law Group, we have experience representing injured individuals in their personal injury claims and successfully recovering financial compensation, both through settlement negotiations and litigation. Our attorneys have won numerous legal awards due to our firm’s success and trial skills, including recognition from America’s Top 100 High Stake Litigators, Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and Super Lawyers.

When you work with our team of injury attorneys, you get the resources and legal experience of a large, nationwide law firm combined with the compassion and accessibility of a small, local firm. We pride ourselves on providing the best representation possible to our clients, and we always pursue maximum compensation on their behalf.

Our law firm offers free, no-obligation consultations so we can discuss the details of your injuries, answer questions about your legal options, and determine your eligibility to pursue damages. We accept cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that we don’t collect attorney fees unless we successfully resolve your case.

We have offices located across the country, including right here in San Antonio, and we are ready to help. If you or a loved one has sustained serious injuries in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced member of our legal team.

What Results Have We Obtained for Other Injured Clients?

When you retain an attorney, you need one with experience handling personal injury claims similar to your own. At Dolman Law Group, we have experience settling personal injury claims for favorable amounts, as well as pursuing litigation when necessary. While we cannot guarantee a favorable result in your case, we can point to our past results as an indication of the top-notch legal representation that Dolman Law Group provides.

While every case is different, and we handle each unique circumstance based on its own merits and the client’s individual needs, we have a wide range of knowledge and experience about most types of personal injury cases. Some of our recent results include millions of dollars recovered for our clients, such as:

  • $3.2 million during pre-trial mediation for a client who sustained traumatic brain injuries in a semi-truck accident.
  • $1 million on behalf of the family of an individual who died in a rideshare accident.
  • $415,000 the day before trial was set to begin on behalf of a client who sustained severe injuries in a motorcycle accident.

These are just some of our past case results; we invite you to review all of our published case results on our website. If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a preventable accident, contact us today to determine your eligibility to pursue appropriate financial compensation for your losses and hold the at-fault parties accountable.

Sustaining injuries in a preventable accident can be traumatic. Don’t attempt to handle your personal injury claim alone. Instead, retain an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle settlement negotiations and ensure that you don’t miss out on any available compensation. If an insurance company has already offered you a settlement, don’t accept it without first consulting an attorney.

Oftentimes, your settlement offer will increase immediately upon retaining a reputable personal injury lawyer. Insurance companies know that an attorney understands how to calculate the full value of a personal injury claim and that you’re taking your case seriously when you partner with a lawyer. Don’t miss out on recovering maximum compensation. Contact a San Antonio personal injury lawyer at Dolman Law Group today for a free, no-obligation consultation by calling (210) 361-2039 or using our online contact form.

What Types of San Antonio Personal Injury Cases Does Dolman Law Handle?

What Types of San Antonio Personal Injury Cases Does Dolman Law Handle

Personal injury law is a rather large umbrella covering injuries that stem from several different types of accidents. Here is a brief overview of the most common types of claims that Dolman Law Group handles:

This list is not exhaustive, so if you sustained an injury in a different type of accident, the best way to know if we can help you is to contact us for a free case evaluation.

Common Ways People Suffer Injuries in San Antonio

People suffer serious personal injuries in San Antonio from a variety of accidents and incidents. Some of the most common injury claims we help clients with at Dolman Law Group arise from the following situations:

Motor Vehicle Accidents

More than 15,000 people sustain serious injuries in motor vehicle accidents on Texas roadways each year, and more than 3,600 are killed, according to the Texas Department of Transportation (TDOT). The vast majority of motor vehicle accidents are the result of human error, also known as negligence.

Examples of negligent driving behavior that can lead to an accident include:

  • Distracted driving. Driver distractions include texting and other cell phone use, eating or drinking, visiting with passengers, and external distractions, such as previous accident scenes, billboards, and people in other vehicles. There are three types of distractions: manual distractions, which cause the driver to take their hands from the wheel; visual distractions, which draw the driver’s eyes from watching the road; and cognitive distractions, which take the driver’s mind off the task of safe driving.
  • Impaired driving. 25 percent of the individuals killed in Texas motor vehicle accidents were in a vehicle with a driver who was under the influence of alcohol. Impaired driving can also involve the use of illegal drugs, prescription medicine, and over-the-counter medicine.
  • Fatigued driving. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration explains that driver fatigue is the result of mental or physical exertion that impairs a driver’s performance. While any driver who has not had a sufficient amount of sleep is capable of experiencing driver fatigue, long-haul truck drivers and those who work the night or swing shift are most likely to experience problems due to being awake and driving during the late-night hours when the body is instinctively wired for sleep. The impact on a driver’s skills when fatigued are similar to those experienced by impaired drivers, including failure to maintain one’s own lane of travel, difficulty controlling speed, and the inability to exercise good judgment.
  • Speeding. Speeding is a major cause of collisions in the U.S. and is considered a factor in approximately one-quarter of all motor vehicle accidents. Speeding reduces both the time a driver has to see a hazard in the roadway and respond by depressing the brakes and the effectiveness of a vehicle’s safety features, such as seatbelts and airbags. At the same time, it increases the distance needed to bring the vehicle to a safe stop as well as the severity of a crash.
  • Tailgating. Following another vehicle too closely (also referred to as tailgating) is the main cause of one of the most common types of motor vehicle accidents, the rear-end collision. Drivers who tailgate deprive themselves of both the time needed for the driver to perceive a hazard as well as the time needed to bring the vehicle to a safe stop.
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way to other drivers is common at red lights, stop signs, and when pulling out of parking lots or private driveways onto a roadway. This is one of the main causes of intersection accidents, including the often catastrophic broadside (T-bone) collision.

Premises Liability

Premises liability is an area of personal injury law that pertains to the legal responsibility that commercial and private property owners and managers have to ensure that the property is free from hazards that can cause injury to guests.

The accidents that can give rise to a premises liability case include:

  • Slip and fall accidents: This is the most common type of premises liability claim and is the result of a guest slipping and falling or tripping and falling due to debris or clutter in the walkway, loose floorboards, damaged tile, broken handrails, poor lighting (particularly on staircases), and potholes in the parking lot.
  • Swimming pool accidents: Property owners must ensure their pool areas are secure to keep small children from falling in by accident.
  • Elevator/escalator accidents: Hundreds of people suffer serious injuries from elevator/escalator accidents each year. Property owners must ensure these devices are installed and operating properly and that they are well-maintained to mitigate the risk of injury.
  • Dog bites: San Antonio may be a dog-friendly city, but that does not mean all dogs in San Antonio are people-friendly. Even the most well-mannered dog can bite under the right circumstances, and if a dog bit you or your child, you could hold the owner liable for your injuries.
  • Negligent security: Property owners are not only responsible for protecting their guests against hazardous property features but also for protecting guests against criminal acts causing physical or emotional injury, such as robbery or assault.

Defective Products

You may have heard about recalls and settlements pertaining to defective auto parts or drugs that produce unreasonably dangerous side effects. These are both examples of product liability cases. Everyone in the manufacturing chain—including the manufacturer, wholesale distributor, and retail supplier—has the legal responsibility to ensure that the products they manufacture and distribute to the public are safe when used as labeled.

Three types of product defects can result in a product liability claim, including:

  • Manufacturing defects: This is the most obvious type of product liability claim, as the product fails to work as intended due to a defect that was acquired in the factory where it was produced.
  • Design defects: This type of defect is inherent in the design of the product and exists before the product is ever manufactured.
  • Defects in marketing: This type of defect involves issues such as inaccurate labeling instructions or failing to list the risks that a consumer faces when using the product.

Generally, product liability cases are also strict liability cases, meaning members of the manufacturing chain are liable for defects even if they exercise great care to avoid hazards that can harm consumers. It is crucial to understand that there does not have to be a recall on a product before you can build a case and seek fair compensation for any injuries that occurred. Often, the lawsuits come before the recalls, not the other way around.

Nursing Home Negligence

Nursing home negligence is a failure of nursing home staff to provide a standard of care as defined under federal nursing home reform laws. These laws give nursing home residents the right to respect and dignity; to be involved in their own care plan; to have basic needs, such as food, water, and heat; and to receive medical care. Nursing home negligence can take several different forms, including neglect; physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; medical malpractice; or financial exploitation.

According to the National Association of Nursing Home Attorneys, about 5 million elders are abused in the U.S. each year, with many of these individuals being residents of nursing homes when the abuse occurred. One of the main causes of the abuse and neglect of nursing home residents, the organization reports, is understaffing. An estimated 90 percent of nursing homes in the U.S. are staffed at levels that are too low to provide adequate care for all residents.

While nursing home neglect is not always intentional on the part of the staff, many lack the training or hours to handle the necessary tasks to ensure the understaffed facility operates as it should. This is an administration problem, and we may be able to hold the owners or administrators legally responsible.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault insurance policy that most employers in Texas are required to purchase for their employees. This policy provides medical and wage-loss benefits for individuals who were injured in a workplace accident or have suffered an occupational illness due to conditions in the workplace.

If you have suffered an injury or become ill in a workplace accident or condition, the experienced workers’ comp attorneys at Dolman Law Group can help you with your claim.

We can help with:

  • Appealing a claim denial
  • Late payments
  • Looking over your claim to ensure you have the needed information
  • Answering legal questions
  • Exploring your ability to receive benefits or seek fair compensation through a personal injury lawsuit—an option that is only available in limited circumstances, such as if your employer did not have a workers’ comp policy despite state laws or if your injury resulted from the actions of a third party (someone who is not your employer or your coworker).

Wrongful Death

If you are the surviving spouse, child, or parent of a person who died as the result of someone else’s careless or reckless actions, you can pursue compensation for the financial losses and emotional distress you experienced from the loss through a wrongful death lawsuit. Like a personal injury claim, a wrongful death lawsuit is a legal claim filed in civil court that seeks to prove who was liable for the accident that caused the death.

Sexual Abuse

Many news stories in recent years regarding child sexual abuse by individuals affiliated with organizations such as the Catholic Church and Boy Scouts of America have prompted many states to change their laws to allow the survivors of child sexual abuse to have more time to file a personal injury claim and seek damages for the physical and emotional toll the abuse has taken on their lives. In Texas, state lawmakers extended the maximum age limit for adult survivors of child sexual abuse to file a claim. The maximum age was increased by 15 years, from 33 to 48.

Childhood sexual abuse has been associated with higher levels of:

  • Depression;
  • Feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame;
  • Eating or sleeping disorders;
  • Anxiety;
  • Dissociative patterns;
  • Sexual problems; and
  • Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships, including fear of intimacy or difficulty establishing interpersonal boundaries.

Let our experienced attorneys help you understand how you can obtain compensation for the long-term impacts that the sexual abuse you suffered as a child caused you to incur. In some cases, a civil lawsuit may be the only option for holding your abuser or the institution that allowed the abuse to occur unchecked accountable.

Criminal consequences are often too difficult to prove. In a civil case, less evidence is needed to support your allegations and hold the accused party responsible.

Property Damage

Several natural disasters in recent years have resulted in major damages and costs for individuals throughout Texas. For example, winter storm Uri cost the state around $295 billion in lost income and a long-term reduction in economic output, but the damages weren’t only to the state’s economy. Individuals endured damage to their homes and health from the storm as well. If you suffered property damage from Uri or any other type of natural disaster, we could help you seek compensation for damages.

Our San Antonio Law Office Location

Dolman Law Group has a law office in San Antonio located at 921 S St Mary’s St #2, San Antonio, TX 78205.

Come by our office to speak with one of our attorneys at no cost. You can also call to schedule an appointment. We can come to your home or hospital room if you cannot make it to our office, and we also offer video teleconferencing for our clients who are physically unable to meet with us at our office.

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San Antonio Accident Statistics

San Antonio Accident Statistics

The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) publishes annual reports about traffic accidents that occur throughout the state. The TXDOT reported the following accident statistics for Bexar County and the San Antonio area for 2022:

  • 47,472 total vehicle accidents occurred.
  • There were 232 fatal crashes, resulting in 250 total fatalities.
  • The area reported 6,990 possible injury crashes that injured a total of 11,350 people.

The report also mentioned that 3,052 crashes of “unknown severity” occurred, resulting in 13,886 “unknown injuries.”

Common Types of San Antonio Personal Injuries People Suffer

 Common Types of San Antonio Personal Injuries People Suffer

Accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, varying in severity from minor to life-threatening. The type of injury you might suffer can depend on the nature of the accident, the forces involved, and the specific circumstances. Here are some common types of injuries people can suffer in accidents:

  • Soft Tissue Injuries: These injuries affect muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They can include strains, sprains, contusions (bruises), and minor tears.
  • Fractures: Broken bones are a common injury in accidents. Fractures can range from hairline cracks to more severe breaks that require surgical intervention.
  • Head Injuries: Head injuries can range from minor concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These injuries can have lasting cognitive, emotional, and physical effects.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Severe accidents can lead to spinal cord injuries, which can result in partial or complete paralysis, affecting motor and sensory functions.
  • Whiplash: Common in car accidents, whiplash is a neck injury caused by sudden back-and-forth motion, resulting in neck pain, stiffness, and sometimes headaches.
  • Cuts and Lacerations: Accidents involving broken glass, sharp objects, or impact can cause cuts and lacerations that might require stitches or even surgery.
  • Burns: Burns can result from fires, explosions, hot liquids, or contact with hot surfaces. Burns are categorized by degree, with third-degree burns being the most severe.
  • Internal Injuries: Blunt force trauma can cause internal injuries such as internal bleeding, damage to organs, and other internal complications.
  • Amputations: In severe accidents, body parts can be partially or fully severed, leading to amputations. Reattachment surgery might be possible in some cases.
  • Facial Injuries: Accidents can cause facial fractures, broken teeth, and injuries to the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Emotional and Psychological Injuries: Accidents can lead to emotional trauma, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Joint Injuries: Joints can be injured in accidents, resulting in conditions like dislocations, torn ligaments, and joint fractures.
  • Crush Injuries: These occur when a body part is trapped between two objects or under significant pressure, potentially causing tissue damage, fractures, or even amputation.
  • Internal Organ Damage: Impact or trauma can cause damage to internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, and spleen.
  • Dental Injuries: Accidents can lead to broken or knocked-out teeth, requiring dental procedures and potential long-term treatment.

It’s important to seek medical attention after an accident, even if you think your injuries are minor. Some injuries may not show immediate symptoms but could worsen over time. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, consulting with a San Antonio personal injury attorney from Dolman Law Group can help you understand your rights and options for seeking compensation for your injuries and related expenses.

What Should I Do After an Accident in San Antonio?

What Should I Do After an Accident in San Antonio

If you’ve been involved in an accident in San Antonio, Texas, it’s important to take certain steps to ensure your safety, gather information, and protect your rights. Here’s a general guide on what you should do after an accident in San Antonio:

  1. Ensure Safety: If it’s safe to do so, move to a safe location to avoid further danger from traffic or other hazards. If you’re in a car accident, turn on hazard lights and use warning triangles if available.
  2. Check for Injuries: Check yourself and any passengers for injuries. If there are injuries that require immediate medical attention, call 911.
  3. Call 911: If there are injuries, significant property damage, or hazardous conditions, call 911 to report the accident and request medical assistance or police presence as needed.
  4. Exchange Information: If it’s safe, exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident. This includes names, phone numbers, addresses, driver’s license numbers, and insurance policy information.
  5. Document the Scene: If possible, take photos of the accident scene, including damage to vehicles, skid marks, road conditions, and any other relevant details. These photos can be important evidence later.
  6. Notify the Police: Even if the accident seems minor, it’s a good idea to notify the police and file a police report. This report can be useful when dealing with insurance claims and legal matters. Also, Texas law requires drivers to report any accident resulting in injuries or death or property damage exceeding $1,000.
  7. Limit Communication: Avoid admitting fault or making statements that could be used against you later. Stick to the facts when discussing the accident with the police, other drivers, witnesses, or insurance representatives.
  8. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you don’t think you’re seriously injured, it’s advisable to get checked by a medical professional. Some injuries might not show immediate symptoms but could worsen over time.
  9. Report to Insurance: Notify your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. Provide them with accurate and complete information about the incident.
  10. Consult an Attorney: If you’ve sustained injuries or significant property damage, consider consulting with a personal injury attorney. They can guide you through the legal process, help you understand your rights, and provide advice on dealing with insurance companies.
  11. Preserve Evidence: Keep copies of all documentation related to the accident, including medical records, police reports, correspondence with insurance companies, and any other relevant information.
  12. Adhere to Medical Treatment: If you require medical treatment, follow your doctor’s recommendations and attend all scheduled appointments. This helps establish a clear record of your injuries and their impact on your health and well-being.

Remember that these steps are general guidelines. The specifics might vary based on the nature of the accident and your individual circumstances. If you’re uncertain about any aspect of the process, reach out to a San Antonio personal injury attorney at Dolman Law Group for a no-cost case evaluation.

How Do I Know If I Have a Personal Injury Case in San Antonio?

San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer

As explained by the American Bar Association (ABA), personal injury law—commonly referred to as tort law—is designed to protect individuals who have suffered personal injuries or property damage from someone else’s careless or reckless actions or failure to act. These individuals can seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit, which is a legal claim filed in civil court. In the lawsuit, the injury victim must prove who is liable for the accident that resulted in their injury and the value of the expenses and losses the claimant has suffered.

Personal injury cases almost always involve negligence or reckless bad behavior. Negligence is the most common cause of almost all preventable injuries that do not occur as a result of a crime or another intentionally harmful action.

Proving negligence is required to support an insurance claim or to win a jury trial. In fact, negligence is what we look for when we assess a case during a free consultation. Without proof of negligence, there is unlikely to be a viable personal injury claim.

How to Determine if Negligence Exists in Your San Antonio Personal Injury Case

There are four elements of negligence. While you may recognize that someone’s behavior was careless or reckless and they were at fault in an incident, we will need proof. This requires us to show:

  • The responsible party owed the victim a specific duty of care, such as following traffic laws and driving carefully.
  • The at-fault party breached their duty, possibly by violating traffic laws or otherwise acting carelessly
  • This breach caused an accident or incident,
  • The victim suffered harm, including injuries and financial losses.

We investigate every case we accept to ensure we build the strongest claim possible and gather all necessary evidence to support a fair and appropriate payment for our clients.

I Lost My Spouse in a San Antonio Motor Vehicle Accident. Is There Compensation Available for Me?

Usually, yes. The family members of an individual who died as the result of an accident that was caused by someone else’s careless or reckless actions can file a wrongful death lawsuit. This claim generally must be filed within two years of the date of death by a family member, such as the spouse, parent, or child of the deceased.

Recoverable types of damages include:

  • Lost earning capacity.
  • The loss of care, maintenance, service, support, advice, and counsel provided by the deceased to his or her family.
  • Emotional distress.
  • Loss of love, companionship, support, and society.
  • The loss of the inheritance that the deceased’s heirs would have likely been privileged to if the deceased had survived his or her injuries.

Punitive damages are occasionally available in wrongful death cases to discourage outrageously reckless or careless behavior. If a court awards punitive damages, this portion of the award is divided among family members in proportion to the loss and suffering each one was subjected to because of the death.

Often, as a companion to a wrongful death lawsuit, a survival claim is brought to award damages to the estate of the deceased for the losses that they could have legally recovered if they had survived the accident.

Those damages include:

  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering that the deceased experienced from the time of the injury until the time of death.
  • Medical expenses related to the treatment of the deceased’s final injury.
  • Expenses associated with the funeral service, burial, or cremation that the estate paid.

What Compensation Can I Request After a San Antonio Injury?

San Antonio Personal Injury Attorney

Texas allows injured individuals to pursue the recovery of both economic and non-economic damages. In personal injury law, damages mean a payment made in compensation for harm. Economic damages, therefore, are payments made in compensation for the out-of-pocket expenses you incurred because of your injury.

Expenses that are commonly included in economic damage claims are:

  • Medical expenses, such as the cost of emergency treatment on the scene or in the emergency department, transport to the hospital, hospitalization, diagnostic testing, prescription medication, physician and surgical services, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and the provision of assistive devices such as crutches or a wheelchair
  • Lost wages if your injury prevents you from working
  • Loss of future earning capacity if your injury prevents you from earning in the same capacity as you did before the injury
  • Property damage resulting from the accident

Non-economic damages are payments made in compensation for the impacts your injury has had on your quality of life. Examples of the impacts that are commonly included in non-economic damage claims are:

  • Physical pain and suffering.
  • Emotional distress.
  • Loss of the enjoyment of life if your injury prevents you from participating in activities you previously enjoyed.
  • Loss of consortium, which is collected on behalf of the injured person’s spouse for the loss of physical intimacy and companionship often experienced after a serious injury.

How Much Is My San Antonio Personal Injury Claim Worth?

While it’s challenging to determine exactly how much compensation you will receive, your injury attorney can establish the value of your case by considering:

  • The expenses you have incurred or likely will incur in the future are added together. This is your total economic damage claim.
  • The total amount of your non-economic damages will depend on the severity of your injuries. The more severe your injuries are, the more non-economic damages your claim will likely warrant.
  • The total value of your case is the economic and non-economic damages amounts added together.

In some cases, you may also qualify to seek punitive damages. These damages are sometimes awarded in personal injury cases, not to compensate you for your expenses and losses but rather to punish the defendant for particularly reckless behavior. Punitive damages are capped at $200,000 or two times the economic damages plus an equal amount of non-economic damages up to $750,000, whichever is greater.

What Is the Average San Antonio Personal Injury Settlement?

Personal injury cases are valued according to the unique aspects of each case. It is up to the claimant to determine—with the guidance of his or her attorney—whether to accept a settlement that is offered. Because of these factors, there really is no average financial recovery in a personal injury case. There are, however, factors beyond the severity of your injury that can impact the value of your case.

Those factors include:

  • The amount of insurance covering the negligent party. Insurance pays most personal injury settlements and awards. While it is possible to file a lawsuit against an uninsured person and even to obtain a judgment on your behalf, it will likely be very difficult to collect that award, as most people cannot afford to pay for injury-related expenses out-of-pocket. Another important service that your attorney will provide for you is a determination of all liable parties and all insurance resources that are available for compensation.
  • The ease of proving liability. In Texas, you may file a lawsuit against another at-fault party even if your own actions were partially to blame, as long as you don’t bear more than 50 percent of the responsibility. However, your award will likely be reduced by the percentage of responsibility you bear.
  • Your patience. Settlement negotiations with the at-fault party’s insurance provider take a lot of time. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, and one of the ways they do that is by paying the least amount possible to claimants who were injured by their insured. While you may receive a settlement offer early into the process, the offer will likely not reflect the true value of your case. The fairest offer generally comes just before the case goes to trial. When you retain an attorney, the settlement offer will often increase immediately, as the at-fault parties know that an attorney won’t settle for unfair compensation.

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What is the Time Limit for Filing a Personal Injury Claim in San Antonio?

What is the Time Limit for Filing a Personal Injury Claim in San Antonio

For most personal injury cases, the statute of limitations is two years after the date of the injury. However, some circumstances may extend this deadline, such as in cases involving injury to a child or childhood sexual assault. There are also cases in which the filing process is different, and the deadlines are shorter, such as those involving fault by a governmental employee or agency.

Can I Afford a San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer?

Actually, yes, you can afford a San Antonio personal injury attorney at Dolman Law Group, and you should call us for help with your claim.

Many people think they can’t afford a lawyer and are tempted to pursue compensation for their injuries without having an experienced personal injury lawyer on their side. This is often a mistake, as most people who do not have training and experience in the legal process often struggle to understand the various procedures and requirements involved in the process.

The attorneys at Dolman Law Group understand that the last thing you want to do when you’re facing medical expenses and wage loss is worry about how to afford an attorney. We are pleased to offer two client-friendly services that ensure that anyone in San Antonio who needs the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer can afford one.

Those services include:

  • A free, no-obligation case evaluation, which is time for you to speak with an attorney and obtain answers to your legal questions as well as to learn more about the firm, the attorney, and the process of obtaining compensation.
  • A contingent-fee payment plan. What this means is that you owe nothing for your attorney’s services until there is a successful outcome in your case.

Your attorney can also provide you with:

  • Guidance about your legal options.
  • A valuation of your case that is based on the expenses and impacts you have incurred or will likely incur in the future.
  • A determination of all sources of liability and all insurance resources that can be used to compensate you.
  • Timely filing of all court-required paperwork as well as attendance and representation at all pre-trial conferences and hearings.
  • The collection and organization of evidence and witness testimony to prove your case.
  • Advice on the pros and cons of accepting a settlement offer.
  • Litigation, including making opening and closing statements, presenting evidence, and examining witnesses.
  • Assistance with collecting your award or settlement.

How Long Will It Take to Settle My San Antonio Personal Injury Case?

How Long Will It Take to Settle My San Antonio Personal Injury Case

The duration of a personal injury case in San Antonio can vary significantly based on a variety of factors. Each case is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it will take to settle a personal injury case. Some factors that can influence the timeline include:

  • Severity of Injuries: The extent and severity of your injuries can impact the length of your case. More severe injuries might require longer periods of medical treatment, rehabilitation, and evaluation before a settlement can be reached.
  • Medical Treatment: The time it takes for you to complete medical treatment and reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) is important. Your medical condition needs to stabilize to accurately assess the long-term effects of the injuries.
  • Negotiations: The negotiation process between your attorney, the responsible party’s insurance company, and other involved parties can take time. The complexity of liability and the willingness of the insurance company to offer a fair settlement can influence how long negotiations last.
  • Evidence Collection: Gathering evidence to support your case, including medical records, accident reports, witness statements, and expert opinions, can take time.
  • Liability Issues: If there are disputes about who is at fault for the accident, it might extend the timeline as investigations are conducted to establish liability.
  • Insurance Company Response: The responsiveness and cooperation of the insurance company can influence how quickly your case progresses. Some insurance companies are more cooperative than others.
  • Legal Process: If negotiations fail to yield a fair settlement, your case might need to go through the legal process, which can involve filing a lawsuit and potentially going to trial. This can significantly lengthen the timeline.
  • Complexity of the Case: More complex cases, such as those involving multiple parties, complex legal issues, or unique circumstances, may require more time to resolve.
  • Court Dockets: If your case goes to court, the availability of court dates and the court’s schedule can affect how quickly your case is heard.
  • Jurisdiction: The specific jurisdiction where your case is filed can influence the timeline due to variations in court processes and case backlogs.

It’s important to work closely with your attorney to manage the timeline of your case and to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process. They can provide you with a better estimate of how long your specific case might take to settle based on the details of your situation. While some cases might settle relatively quickly, others can take a year or more to reach a resolution.

Can I Still Recover Damages If I Was Partially At Fault for the San Antonio Accident?

Can I Still Recover Damages If I Was Partially At Fault for the San Antonio Accident

Yes, in Texas, you can still recover damages for a personal injury claim even if you were partially at fault for the accident. Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, specifically the 51% bar rule. Here’s how it works:

  1. 51% Bar Rule: Under the 51% bar rule, you can still recover damages as long as you are not more than 50% at fault for the accident. In other words, if your level of fault is determined to be 50% or less, you can seek compensation.
  2. Reduced Damages: However, your recoverable damages will be reduced by the percentage of fault attributed to you. For example, if you were found to be 20% at fault and your total damages were assessed at $100,000, your recoverable amount would be reduced to $80,000 ($100,000 – 20%).
  3. Comparative Negligence in Settlements: The principle of comparative negligence can also come into play during settlement negotiations with insurance companies. The extent of each party’s fault might be considered when determining settlement amounts.
  4. Proving Fault: It’s important to establish the facts accurately regarding who was at fault and to what extent. Gathering evidence, such as accident reports, witness statements, and expert analyses, can help establish a clear picture of liability.
  5. Consult an Attorney: If you believe you were partially at fault for the accident, consulting a personal injury attorney is highly recommended. They can help you understand how comparative negligence might affect your case, guide you through the legal process, and work to ensure you receive fair compensation.

Remember that laws and legal interpretations can vary, and each case is unique. Consulting an experienced San Antonio personal injury attorney from Dolman Law Group will give you a better understanding of how comparative negligence might apply to your specific situation and what options you have for seeking compensation for your injuries and related expenses.

What Is the Personal Injury Claims Process in San Antonio?

The personal injury claims process in San Antonio involves a series of steps, but specifics can vary based on the circumstances of the case and the individuals involved. Here’s a general outline of the personal injury claims process in San Antonio:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: If you’ve been injured, your health should be your top priority. Seek medical attention as soon as possible and follow your doctor’s instructions for treatment and recovery.
  2. Gather Evidence: Collect evidence related to the accident and your injuries. This may include accident reports, photos of the scene, witness statements, medical records, and any other relevant documentation.
  3. Consult an Attorney: It’s advisable to consult with a personal injury attorney who is experienced in handling cases in San Antonio. They can provide legal advice, evaluate the strength of your case, and guide you through the process.
  4. Investigation: Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to determine liability (who was at fault) and gather evidence to support your claim.
  5. Demand Letter: Your attorney may draft a demand letter that outlines the details of the accident, your injuries, and the compensation you are seeking. This letter is usually sent to the responsible party’s insurance company.
  6. Negotiation: Your attorney will negotiate with the insurance company to reach a fair settlement. This process can involve back-and-forth discussions to agree on a compensation amount.
  7. Filing a Lawsuit: If negotiations fail to produce a satisfactory settlement, your attorney may file a lawsuit. This initiates the formal legal process.
  8. Discovery: Both sides engage in the discovery phase, where they exchange information and evidence related to the case. This can involve depositions, interrogatories, and document requests.
  9. Mediation/Settlement Talks: Before trial, parties might engage in mediation or settlement talks to try to reach an agreement outside of court.
  10. Trial: If a settlement isn’t reached, your case will go to trial. During the trial, both sides present their evidence and arguments to a judge or jury.
  11. Verdict and Judgment: The judge or jury will make a decision, and if you win, a judgment will be entered in your favor, indicating the compensation amount awarded.
  12. Appeals (If Necessary): Either party can appeal the decision if they believe there was a legal error during the trial.
  13. Collecting Compensation: If you win your case, you’ll need to work with your attorney to collect the awarded compensation. This could involve negotiation with the responsible party, their insurance company, or enforcing the judgment through legal means.

Remember that personal injury cases can be complex, and the steps involved can vary based on the specifics of your situation. Having a knowledgeable attorney by your side can significantly improve your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

If I File a San Antonio Personal Injury Lawsuit, Do I Have to Go to Court?

Not necessarily. The vast majority of personal injury cases are resolved before they ever see the inside of a courtroom. Many cases are resolved through a settlement agreement, and your case may settle in this manner. 

However, because there is always a chance a case will involve litigation, you should work with an attorney who feels comfortable taking cases to trial. You want an attorney with litigation experience so that the at-fault parties know that if they don’t offer a fair settlement, you won’t be afraid to proceed to trial.

Contact a San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer at Dolman Law Group Today for a Free Consultation

Matthew A. Dolman Esq.
Personal Injury Lawyer, Matthew A. Dolman

Let the experienced San Antonio personal injury lawyers at Dolman Law Group help you better understand your legal options. We can handle the legal complexities of your personal injury claim while you focus on your physical and mental recovery. For your free case evaluation, contact us online or by calling (210) 361-2039.

San Antonio Office
921 S St Mary’s St #2
San Antonio, TX 78205

Client Reviews

Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “AMAZING and understanding attorneys! Did great on my case and I highly recommend Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA for anyone that has been injured in an accident!” – Koralis R.

Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Chad Robinson always responded immediately whenever I had questions or concerns. He worked hard to make sure I received what I deserved.” – Michelle D.

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San Antonio Emergency Rooms

If you or a loved one suffered serious injuries in a San Antonio accident someone else caused, seek immediate medical attention from one of the area’s emergency rooms or urgent care centers:

*Disclaimer – Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA does not endorse these medical providers, nor do we profit from having them listed on our website.

San Antonio Courthouses

Neighborhoods We Serve in San Antonio

Downtown 78204, 78205, 78210, 78215, Hidden Cove – Indian Creek 78245, 78210, Southtown 78210, Mission del Lago 78221, Brooks City Base 78235, Woodlawn Lake 78201, St. Mary’s Strip 78212, Tobin Hill 78212, Southeast Side 78210, East Terrell Hills 78218, Denver Heights 78210, Dignowity Hill 78202, Cattleman Square 78207, Mahncke Park 78209, 78208, The Heights at Stone Oak 78258, Loma Park 78228, Rainbow Hills 78227, St. Paul Square 78205, Healy-Murphy 78202

All Areas We Serve in Texas


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